ISERV Team Earns NASA Silver Achievement Medal

The International Space Station SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System (ISERV) Project Team (NASA/MSFC)
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The International Space Station SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System (ISERV) Team was honored at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Annual Honor Awards Ceremonies for receiving the prestigious NASA Silver Achievement Medal. This Agency medal is awarded for stellar achievement that supports one or more of NASA's Core Values – Safety, Excellence, Teamwork, and Integrity.View large image
The ISERV Team flight-certified and delivered, within a single year, a commercial camera, telescope, and pointing system for use in the ISS's Window Observational Research Facility (WORF) adjacent to the Destiny module window. The ISERV Pathfinder instrument was launched to the ISS in July and is stowed for installation this fall.
The system is designed to receive and act on commands from the ground to acquire image data of a specific area of the Earth's surface as the space station passes over it. ISERV is specifically intended to help scientists gain the experience and expertise to deploy an operational system in the future, and to inform its design.
The ISERV Team expects to acquire valuable information about how a more capable future system might operate – a system that would be mounted outside the space station and equipped with more and better instruments. Ideally, a future system, and perhaps even ISERV Pathfinder itself, will be able to monitor disasters on Earth.
"If I had to pick one NASA core value this team embodied in particular, it would be teamwork," says SERVIR program manager Dan Irwin. "Each member of the ISERV team was integral to getting the hardware modified, tested, and delivered for flight. And each recognized they were creating, together, something that could benefit humankind."
The award winning team is led by Susan Spencer, Project Manager; Burgess Howell, Science Lead; Cindy Coker, Department Lead Engineer; and Lisa Watson-Morgan, Chief Engineer.
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
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